Don't try this at home!

Don't try this at home!

Increasingly simplistic calls to #Stopburningstuff and #Stickyourselftothings have recently been accompanied by another call: that anyone who challenges the virtues of battery electric vehicles (BEVs) should shut themselves in their garage alongside their idling internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicle for an hour, to see whether they emerge to tell the tale.

What matters is not the promise of electric vehicles but the actuality

What matters is not the promise of electric vehicles but the actuality

Friday 18 September 2015 saw Dieselgate break.  This was the culmination of a growing dissonance between real-world nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions and official values for cars and vans.  The rupture was created by governments picking a technology, for the purposes of decarbonisation, where too much was taken on trust within a fragile governance system.

AIR welcomes the publication of a standardised method to collect vehicle interior air quality data

AIR welcomes the publication of a standardised method to collect vehicle interior air quality data

 The AIR Alliance (Allow Independent Road-testing), the independent alliance set up to improve air quality by promoting independent, on-road vehicle emissions testing, welcomes the publication of the CEN workshop agreement CWA 17934, the real drive test method for collecting vehicle interior air quality data.

Champagne Supernova?

Champagne Supernova?

When an exploding star led to the observation of supernova SN 2003fg in 2003, it was nicknamed the ‘Champagne Supernova’ due to its unusual brightness, and its inexplicably great mass.  Many supernovae eventually succumb to their own weight, leaving behind a black hole.  Are we at this stage with battery electric vehicles (BEVs)?  

Webinar: The effects of renewable fuels on combustion emissions

Webinar: The effects of renewable fuels on combustion emissions

The webinar covering the latest results on the effect of renewable fuels on combustion emissions, which has been conducted together with the University of Oxford.  It will look at the chemical composition of renewable fuels, consider the impact that has on tailpipe emissions, and see how well Euro 7 may capture these effects. 

How tyre emissions hide in plain sight

How tyre emissions hide in plain sight

Emissions testing is usually preoccupied by testing for known, worrisome chemicals in the environment. Often they are in small amounts or concentrated at hotspots.  Sophisticated equipment is deployed to find and measure them.  We obsess with ever-tighter regulation of these pollutants we know about, even well beyond the point of diminishing environmental returns.

Deft landing, captain

Deft landing, captain

Euro 7 has finally arrived - As the saying goes, a ‘good’ landing is one from which you can walk away, but a ‘great’ landing is one after which they can use the plane again. Euro 7 has not just landed safely, but the craft that is the European system of emissions regulation remains viable. It required a deft touch. The industry says it is too tough and environmental campaigners say it is too weak in equal measure, which perhaps reflects the achievement.

Following the tyre tracks… Where do tyre emissions go?

Following the tyre tracks… Where do tyre emissions go?

We know, from earlier research, that tyres emit lots of particles, both coarser and the more potentially dangerous ultrafines. To put this in context, the levels are less than from exhausts of many older diesel vehicles without filters, but orders of magnitude greater than from the exhausts of modern internal combustion engine vehicles with the latest filters. But, where do these particles go, and can they be found in the environment?

The light duty vehicle to nowhere

The light duty vehicle to nowhere

The evidence clearly points to using full hybrid electric vehicles (FHEVs) as the best route to rapid, low-risk decarbonisation of cars and vans for the next decade. FHEVs cannot deliver the biggest aggregate reduction in principle, but with scarce battery resources and higher manufacturing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions of battery electric vehicles (BEV), FHEVs can deliver more CO2 reduction now, and potentially for some time to come.